THERMOGENESIS CONSENT FORM NameDateDobStreet AddressCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodePhone Number *Email Address *Thermogenesis Tretment Area (tick all that apply)AbdomenWaistArmsthighsLower backUpper backCalvesHipsOthersif Lipoma is being treated has this been diagnosed by a medic?YesNoMedical History - Don you have a history of the following (tick all that aply)Pregnant or breastfeedingCancerAccute inflamationEplipesyCardiac/Vascular problemsOpen WoundUncontrolled high or low blood pressureAny AllergiesMelanomaAutoimmune conditionCurrent InfectionsDiabetesprevious reactions to skin productsAny Organ FailureIf you answered yes then please elaborate belowPlease list any medications you are on belowNameIHave read through the above and answered honestly, I understand the treatment in its entirety and consent to undergo the treatment, I understand that it is my responsibility to declare any contra indications to treatment.Client SignatureDateaccredited aesthetics practitioner signatureDateSubmit